
Golf Information Overload?

You have come home tired from work. To access the e-mail your way and believe in your new copy of the magazine's favorite golf stack. There's a smile on your face like a picture of you on the sofa suddenly appears with an adult beverage in mind. Having uniformed night (sweats and slippers) you realize on the way to your favorite reclining device with that drink and a snack in hand, this vision on the couch. You can get all settled with the TVthe background, and finally enter the "Jell Zone" to listen on that golf magazine that earned rest.

Go directly to look at the content, what interesting article and there is, swing advice from the winner of the last major tournament. "That's what I need," you say as you know on the right side of the club tournament is two months away flip.


The article is one of those swing-sequence photo frames.She has some quotations from other professionals. It has a sidebar in the "Top instructor of all time" with his ideas of the perfect swing. The second page of this article is an advertisement for the greatest swing gadget ever approved by a person of sixteen schools and education in five countries that create the shadows. The author tells how he "remake" of the movement before the game that great but that his best friend in combat tour with the same method and swing guru.

The labels on each of theswing-sequence photos point out the smallest details, where the body parts of the program are in 10 different positions during the swing and which of them are "technically correct".

not want to give up the article, because you really need the swing advice, so that your closet is a mirror and check out some of your body parts with some of the photos in this article in the attempt, swing freeze at the same points as the Stop -action photos. "I understand!"You say when you match a couple of these positions and are practicing out with your real club. Congratulate yourself and then sit back, relax, go back to the business of relaxation.

A little 'later in the evening, you flip on the Gulf, instead of the usual tournament from 1994 there is a channel lessons from a professional instructor. And behold, he teaches that the move that has worked so hard for was an hour, the prevailing doctrine of1980 and has since proved "unreliable in competition".

They jump from his chair to go check your favorite golf sites about this guy and looks like it is on display everywhere, if you're after one for him. Some items that will be held to say that the golf instruction at the best this side of the border, and another pair of pride led him aside. Teacher Web site with testimonials from his students as his program loadedworked for them, so keep surfing for more information.

This will take you to the golf discussion forums, blogs, ezines, and countless web sites, correct to say that the swing that has the secret. 3 hours later, wake up from your golf web-surfing trance, realize missed you before you go to bed an hour and now I am more confused than if you had set before opening the magazine.

You can find more information your mind can be developed over the weekendone day, had left three meetings, your best people, and your boss said something like: ". ... if (bla bla bla ).... we find someone"

I was, this story is a bit 'too much for most people (the truth for me), but the point again:

There are many lessons in a simple and tips on golf out and we just do not know what to do all this!

And worse yet, you can do a lot of this is that exactly the opposite of an instructor (or pro) for theothers. Many of you are aware of this fact, but still seem to be something new, printed or written to be potentially dangerous to capture your game. And not just us amateurs that get lost in this labyrinth. Sports psychologists make a pretty penny on their tour players and teaching them how to "simplify" their swings and thought processes and "Focus" on what works for them.

What should we do about this problem? It 's very simple: to recognize thatMore is not better for golf lessons and golf tips to read and listen with a very discerning eye. Over the years I have now come to the realization that most published golf instruction is designed for the best and a top handicapper who works for the handicap-5 might be a waste of time for a 20 -. Not that it is good advice, but the 20-HDCP should stop looking for more advice and start looking at something he'll workgreater reduction in scores for the time invested.

I know, I know, an important article in a magazine of "practicing good alignment" is not to sell too many copies, even if it is 90% larger problem of all amateur golfers. But the inescapable fact, if you really wanted to get better at golf, you should read a basic textbook, such as Ben Hogan's "5 Lessons the Modern Fundamentals of Golf." And just read the section at a time and work for one, This section, in which he taughtuntil it is an integral part of the game. And do not read further until you have to think, to do it correctly.

The other way is to choose an instructor or trainer and stick with them throughout a series of lessons. We must actively ignore any other golf instruction that education is the slightest hint of conflict with yours. If you come across something that your teacher has not taught you to check with him / her. This is why golf lessons rangedat least a week away. Spaced repetition has long been known to be the way people learn things better. It 'also why I do not remember a device on a matter of 2 weeks of cramming for the exam on her.

Repeat the process with a different golf lessons that you, too. Keep it before you jump to chapter 10 and see how a player to draw a blank because it is not going to help. Ok, sorry to spoil your fun with your favorite golf magazine. So goahead and give yourself permission to read and enjoy again until I promise you that your plan really tried to work through what we have learned one thing in a time of improving stick. Now go back to bed and finish the trial, which began the session. And since I'm on, how's your drink? Can I buy you another?

Golf Information Overload?


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